1. Pauline Cole
2. Clara Finley
3. Artie Fryer
4. James Gatlin
5. Dorothy Harmon
6. Fred Hearns
7. Jesse McKeller
8. Carroll Nelson Mitchell
9. Herman Monroe
10.Luvator Henry Nelson
11.Margaret Williams O’Neal
12.Elizabeth Hall Randolph
13.Doris E. Reddick
14.Gloria Marshall Taylor
1. Chair – Fred Hearns
2. Recording Sec. – Elizabeth Hall Randolph
3. Corresponding Sec. – Luvator Henry Nelson
4. Treasurer (Interim) – Margaret Williams O’Neal
5. Historian – Doris E. Reddick
1. Fred Hearns (Class of 1966)
2. Doris E. Reddick (1930s)
3. Doris Harmon (1940s)
4. James Gatlin (1950s)
5. Luvator H. Nelson (1960s)
6. Artie Fryer (1970s)
1. Clara Finley (1940s)
2. Carroll Nelson Mitchell (1950s)
3. Elizabeth Hall Randolph (1960s)
1. Incorporation – Artie Fryer, Carroll Nelson Mitchell, Edith Hall Randolph
2. Tax I.D., Bank Acc’t., P.O. Box, etc. – Margaret Williams O’Neal,
(Jennifer Jones volunteered as Treasurer Aug. 27, 1991 over the telephone)
3. School History – Herman Monroe, Doris E. Reddick, Dorothy Harmon, Gloria Marshall Taylor
4. Address School Board – James Gatlin, Fred Hearns, Pauline Cole, Dorothy Harmon, Carroll Nelson Mitchell, Luvator Henry Nelson, (Sylvia Rodriguez Kimbell volunteered Aug. 27, 1991 over the telephone)
5. Establish By-Laws – Sylvia Rodriguez Kimbell, Fred Hearns, (Jacquelyn Barr volunteered Aug. 27, 1991 over the telephone).
6. Ad-hoc Committee to Meet with Blake High Alumni – Fred Hearns, James Gatlin, Jesse McKeller, Arthur Cole, Luvator Henry Nelson, Elizabeth Hall Randolph, Dorothy Harmon.
Middleton HS near end of construction April 1935
Middleton HS Convocation 1954
Group of girls sitting on steps at Middleton Senior High School 1952
Middleton Senior High School football team 1952
Middleton Senior High School girls basketball team 1949
Group of students at Middleton Senior High School, 4302 4th Street, 1950
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